Establishing a union is a two step process


Under current law, establishing a union is a 2 step process. First a certain number of signature cards are needed for the NLRB to hold a secret ballot election to determine if the majority of the employees actually want the union. It is similar to a petition drive to get something on the ballot. Of a general election. First you get signatures to show there is interest in the issue. Then the actual issue is voted on by secret ballot. The Administration is trying to eliminate the secret ballot portion. According to the Las Vegas review Journal, "Legislation known as the Protecting the Right to Organize Act is the cornerstone of this effort. Among other things, it would help unions avoid elections in favor of "card check," which requires only that organizers get a certain amount of signatures from employees as evidence of union interest." "But signatures on cards are not the same as a secret ballot," F. Vincent Vernuccio, a senior fellow at the Mackinac Center, a free-market think tank, noted in a 2021 essay. "The right to be free from intimidation and to vote one's conscience in a voting booth is a bedrock principle of American democracy,  and workers should not be stripped of this right in union certification elections."

Do you think unions should be allowed to organize with just a card check or should it still require a secret ballot?

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Other Management: Establishing a union is a two step process
Reference No:- TGS03378879

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