Workbook: Health and Safety Management
Identify four (4) relevant sections of the NQS that relate to establishing and maintaining a safe and healthy environment for children.
Guidance: Use the element numbers of standards only.
Identify the relevant sections of the EYLF that relate to establishing and maintaining a safe and healthy environment for children. List three (3). Explain the outcomes of each section to the children.
Give five (5) examples of how an educator can promote learning health and safety to children.
As an educator you will be responsible for preparing and serving food and promoting healthy eating to babies, toddlers and children.
Which sections of the National Law and National Regulations is a Child Care Centre obligated to implement into practice? List three (3).
Fill out the table below in relation to common childhood illnesses that you need to be aware of in the centre and appropriate responses.
- Common Childhood Illness
- Whooping cough (Pertussis)
- Influenza
- Rubella or measles
- Hepatitis A
- Worms
- Viral gastroenteritis
- Chicken pox
- Cold sores (Herpes simplex)
- Ringworm
- Glandular fever (Mononucleosis)
- Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
- Hepatitis B
- Hepatitis C
List the eleven (11) notifiable diseases.
Infection control is extremely important within a centre. What should staff do when a notifiable disease is recognized in the centre?
Childcare centers in your state/territory are required to follow which WHS/OHs legislation?
Provide the contact details of the WHS/OHS authorities in your state/territory that you would report to in the case of an accident?
Read through the learner resources and then fill out the table below.
How do the WHS/OHS regulations impact on the service at your centre?
Section of Regulations
Chapter 1 - Preliminary
Chapter 2 - Representation and participation
Chapter 3 - General risk and workplace management
Chapter 7 - Hazardous chemicals
Chapter 8 - Asbestos
Chapter 11 - General
In a child care centre, what are the rights and responsibilities (including duty of care) of the following?
- persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs)
- officers
- workers
Indicate the legal requirements for record-keeping and reporting in your state by filling out the table below.
- General records
- Child enrolment information
- Child health information
- Special needs
- Language
- Parenting orders
- Child's doctor/hospital
- Medical information
- Illness/injury
- Death of child
- Staff records
- Excursions
- Escorting a child
- Emergency care of a child
It is a legal requirement that the centre, educators, and staff ensure the confidentiality of personal information and records pertaining to a child.
a) Who is authorized to view the records?
b) What information is protected?
Is it a requirement in childcare centers that educators and staff ensure that infection controls are in place to minimize the risk of spreading infection?
What is infection control?
What infection control guideline is relevant to service and the source of best practice for childcare centers?
What practices do you need to follow to minimize the risk of spreading infection?
Fill out the table below and identify the risks the following hazardous manual tasks pose in a workplace, the level of risk, who may be harmed and the control that should be implemented to reduce/minimize its occurrence.
Explain in your own words the following principles of hazards and risk assessment:
- hazard identification
- risk assessment process
- residual risk
- risk controls
- hierarchy of control
Identify the process of managing the following emergency in the workplace.
Access information about the National Quality Framework (NQF) and answer the following questions about the key legislation and standards under NQF.
What are the two (2) systems that constitute the national legislative framework under NQF?
Identify the seven (7) quality areas under the National Quality Standard.
What is the purpose of a national quality rating and assessment process?
Two systems that constitute the national legislative framework under NQF:
The seven quality areas under the National Quality Standard:
Purpose of a national quality rating and assessment process:
Case Study One: Tuesday at the Sparkling Stars Childcare Centre.
Question: Describe in detail the process you would follow to manage Tamara's condition including what steps you would take immediately afterwards
Question: Later that day, two other children at the centre are reported as having watery diarrhoea and showing symptoms of runny nose, sore throat and a slight fever. The supervisor informs you that it is most likely an outbreak of Gastroenteritis.
Question: Describe what organisational standards, policies, and procedures you would follow in this circumstance and what affect this may have on the operation of the centre.
Case Study Two:
Question: What is the immediate action Trang should take?
Question: What is the secondary action Trang should take?
Question: Complete the Accident Incident Form below for this incident.
Question: If Isaac's injury had been more severe such as a broken arm or a heavy laceration, what action should Trang take to report health and safety issues in line with workplace policies and procedures and legislative requirements?
Describe your response in detail.
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Tags: Health and Safety Management Assignment Help, Health and Safety Management Homework Help, Health and Safety Management Coursework, Health and Safety Management Solved Assignments, Hazard Identification Assignment Help, Hazard Identification Homework Help
Attachment:- Early Childhood Education and Care.rar