
Establish the publics right to know about the contents


Because bottled water is widely considered to be a purer choice then tap water, bottled water has become a billion-dollar-a-year business in the United states. Millions of consumer's use bottled water as there primary source of drinking water. Although most bottled water is of good quality some bottled water contains bacterial contaminants. Reassurances from the water industrysexecutives that bottled water is totally safe may be false.

Summary of Findings

Commissioned by the National Resource's Defense Commission this report analyzes tests of bottled water. The tests revealed that most bottled water is not contaminated, however after testing more then 1,000 bottles, we found that about one fourth were contaminated at levels violating many states limits. Bottled water contaminated with microbes may raise public health issues, and todays consumers are rightfully concerned.

There are government bottled water regulations and programs that have serious deficiencys. Under the FDAs control, the regulation of most bottled water is left to ill-equipped and under staffed state governments. In spite of the fact that voluntary bottled water industry controls are commendable. They are an inadequate substitute for strong goverment rules. FDA officials has stated that bottled water regulation carries a low priority. In addition the marketing of bottled water can be misleading. However the long term solution to drinking water problems are to fix tap water rather than switching to bottled water.


Based on our tests and analysis we submit the following reccomendations:

• Fix tap water quality so that consumers' will not resort to bottled water.
• Establish the publics right to know about the contents of bottled water
• Require FDA inspections of all bottling facilities and there water sources.
• Institute a penny per bottle fee to ensure bottled water safety.
• Bottled water certification should be introduced.

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Business Management: Establish the publics right to know about the contents
Reference No:- TGS03331493

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