
Establish the project objective and make a list of your

A Not-for-Profit Organization


1. What are the needs that have been identified?
2. What is the project objective?
3. What assumptions, if any, should be made regarding the project to be undertaken?
4. What are the risks involved in the project?

A Not-for-Profit Medical Research Center


You and your team need to prepare a plan to present to the board. You must

1. Establish the project objective, and make a list of your assumptions about the project

2. Develop a work breakdown structure

3. Prepare a list of the specific activities that need to be performed to accom¬plish the project objective

4. For each activity, assign the person who will be responsible

5. Create a network diagram that shows the sequence and dependent relation¬ships of all the activities.

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Project Management: Establish the project objective and make a list of your
Reference No:- TGS0766991

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