Establish rapport with supervisors and co-workers

Assignment task: Imagine you are someone working for a Disability Employment Service.

Problem 1. Identify how any of these Three Job Site Training tasks are important to undertake as a Disability Employment Service agency worker. 

i)  Establish rapport with supervisors and co-workers and adhere to the rules of the job site.

ii) Never allow job training to interfere with the flow of business or the established work schedule.

iii) Involve supervisors or co-workers in the training if feasible and briefly explain the systematic training and fading procedure.

iv) Recognise employers, supervisors, and co-workers who promote the employment of citizens with disabilities (e.g., a plaque, awards banquet).

v) Establish rapport with co-workers and involve them in the training of the worker.

vi) Explain to co-workers the disability, background, and behavioural characteristics of the new employee.

vii) Encourage co-workers to socialise with the new worker and model appropriate ways to do it.

viii) Have the supervisor complete written evaluations on the worker's performance and discuss results.

ix) Work out job modifications with the supervisor when needed.

x) Keep the family or group home counsellors aware of the individual's job progress and problems that may occur.

xi) Give parents or residential staff the "job rules" such as the procedure for calling in sick.

Problem 2. Provide reasons why you should be able to perform them. Examples should be provided to illustrate your understanding of the task and its importance to support clients in obtaining or sustaining employment.

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Reference No:- TGS03363228

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