Assignment 1
Module Business Plan: Needs Assessment/Market Analysis
You are beginning your process of writing a business plan, a proposal usually geared toward potential investors, who will help finance your start-up for a health/fitness management venture. You will need to identify your target market's geographic location (it has to be a real place). After identifying the location of your club or fitness center you will supply a market analysis that includes the following items:
I. Identification of key demographics for the area:
A. Average ages and age population splits in terms of percentages.
B. Average family incomes
C. Household demographics (% married, single, with kids, etc.
D. Average education levels
E. Gender splits (percentages)
II. Identification of key health issues for that population that you will need to focus on in your programming efforts.
Examples: 57% of population has high blood pressure
37% of population are young expectant mothers
40% of population are smokers
45% are young career people who are very sports oriented and active
III. Estimated number of members you will have, and the size of your facility that will accommodate that number.
IV. Establish Membership Fees and Special Packages (Family, etc.)
Since you will be relying heavily on secondary resources, make sure you document them accurately and in APA format.
Formatting Points:
1) Title Page:
a. Information should be centered in the middle of the page, half way down the page.
b. Need the following elements:
i. Title of assignment, including which draft it is (Draft 1, Draft 2 or Final)
ii. Your name
iii. HPR301
iv. Date
v. Example: (Located in center of page)
Market Analysis, Draft 1
Mary Poppins
September 28, 2015
2) Headers:
a. Title of Assignment (Running head) , upper left hand corner of first line of page
b. Page number, upper right hand corner, one inch from right side of paper, first line
3) Body of Paper:
a. Double-spaced
b. Font size of 12
c. Subtitles, Roman numerals, bold
4) Text citations:
a. General: Author, year date in parenthesis after reference. Ex. (Brady and Tom, 2012)
b. If web reference and no author, just beginning of title and date. Ex. (The Art of Deflating, 2014)
c. If no date put n.d. Ex: (Brady and Tom, n.d)
d. For more specifics, please refer to the APA guidelines, paying special attention to quotes and "when the names of the authors of a source are part of the formal structure of the sentence.
5) References page:
a. Title should be "References"
b. Each reference should have a "hanging" indent. Examples.:
Kardasian, K. (2014). Research on large derrieres: A review and commentary. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster.
Fonda, J.E. (n.d). Notable people in the fitness industry.Retrieved from:
Al Qassim / Unaizah it's a city in Saudi Arabia and its 86 % of the population between 15-30 years. Unaizah has 14% of the young people have overweight and around 20-30% of the young people want to have a nice body and fitness. We need to have a fitness club to let them have what they want. The target of my idea that to have the newest machine and the best price for them, and the club will be open 24 hours so everyone will choose the best time.
The fee will be 1000$ each 3 months and will be fit for 120 people so it will be 120,000$ each 3 months. and it will be package that if you will have 6 months will be for 1850$ and 1 year it will be foe 3600$. The fitness club will have physical therapy so if any member has injured the club will treat him. This will be no extra charge for it, the member will know the best serves is in this club.