
Establish and maintain whs management systems - demonstrate

Assessment Task 1

Establish and maintain WHS management systems

Submission details

The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.

Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.

Performance objective

For this task, you will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to establish and maintain a WHS management system.

Assessment description

Referring to the simulated business and scenario information provided in the Appendices of this task, you will plan and develop a WHS management system to assist the organisation to comply with WHS legislation. You will identify and use sources of expert advice to plan your system. You will gather a portfolio of evidence to collect samples of documentation to support the WHS management system. You will then prepare a report outlining and explaining the system, duty holders, resources, and approval required.


1. Review the Australian Hardware scenario in Appendix 1.

2. Review the Australian Hardware simulated business information in Appendices 2-5.

Note: Detailed information on Australian Hardware, including operational policies and procedures, risk management, and financials may be accessed at:

a. 'Australian Hardware', /BSA, .

3. Research WHS management systems (WHSMS) to determine the features for an appropriate WHS management system to propose for Australian Hardware. Consider:

a. which policies and procedures to include

b. what adaptation and amendments may be required to existing policies and procedures

c. the roles, responsibilities and accountabilities required

d. which human, physical and financial resources are required (estimate costs over first year of implementation). See table below for costs.

Note: Two hours of training per employee has been approved relating to the new WHSMS itself, duties, and role-specific safety training. The total approved budget is $1 million.


Wage incl.
($ hourly)

Lost productivity
($ hourly)

Total cost
($ hourly)

Senior managers




Store managers




Team leaders (5-8 per store)




Workers (15-20 per store)




WHS consultants




Training rooms




4. Amend the Wollongong Sto e WHS policy to apply nationally.

5. Develop a report on the proposed WHSMS. Include:

a. description of the features of the proposed WHSMS, including policies and required amendments

b. explanation of how the proposed WHSMS meets legislative requirements, including description of duty holders (PCBU, officers, workers, etc.)

c. explanation of how the proposed WHSMS meets organisational requirements and integrates with organisational needs, including budget.

6. Submit all required documentation, including a budget for your proposed WHSMS, to your assessor for approval as per specifications below. Keep copies for your records.


You must provide:
- a one- to two-page report on your proposed WHS management system
- a portfolio of evidence, including:
o an amended WHS policy to apply nationally
o an outline of resources and costs for the system, which includes the name of the designated person for approval.
Your assessor will be looking for evidence of:
- knowledge of relevant WHS Acts, regulations and codes of practice that apply to WHS risk management and recordkeeping in the context of the simulated business and scenario
- literacy skills to adapt and communicate WHS policies that reflect WHS legislative requirements
- information technology skills to, for example, source simulated business information and use word processing software to adapt existing policies.

Assessment Task 2

Undertake consultation and manage WHS risk

Submission details
The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.

Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.

Performance objective

For this task, you will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to establish and maintain effective and compliant participation arrangements for managing WHS. You will also demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to establish and maintain procedures for effectively identifying hazards and assessing and controlling risks.

Assessment description
Using the WHS policy and planning you developed in Assessment Task 1, you will undertake consultation and manage WHS risk. You will develop or source and adapt risk management and recordkeeping procedures, participate in two consultation role-plays, follow risk management procedures, and plan follow-up activities for ongoing risk management. You will also need to identify sources of expert advice and seek input.


Part A

1. Review the following scenario:

You are a WHS consultant. You have been contracted by Australian Hardware to design and implement a WHS management system (WHSMS) for the organisation. You have decided to pilot your program in the Wollongong Store.

You will need to develop WHS risk management policy and procedures, and plan and implement risk management in consultation with workers and their representatives.

2. Review the Australian Hardware simulated business information in the Appendices of the previous Assessment Task.

Note: Detailed information on Australian Hardware, including operational policies and procedures, risk management, and financials may be accessed at:

a. 'Australian Hardware', IBSA, .

3. Develop a policy and procedure/s for WHS risk management. Ensure your policy and procedure/s:
a. define the organisation's approach to WHS risk management and commitment to legal compliance
b. refer to relevant legislation, codes of practice, etc.
c. include procedures for identifying hazards, and assessing and controlling risk
d. include reference to, and procedures for using, hierarchy of control
e. refer to and assist the organisation to comply with consultation requirements under the WHS Act.
Note: Policies/procedures may be sourced and adapted, rather than written from scratch.
4. Develop recordkeeping policy and procedure/s:
a. Include templates and procedures for collecting information on hazards, incidents and actions taken, such as incident reports and risk registers.

Note: Policies, procedures, templates may be sourced and adapted, rather than written from scratch.

Part B

1. Arrange with your assessor to meet with the Wollongong work group health and safety representative (HSR). Prepare to collect information on worker concerns and effectiveness of existing controls for risk.
2. In a role-play, meet with the Wollongong HSR.
3. Identify and seek expert advice for some aspect of planning or implementation of WHS risk management or WHS legislation. For example:
a. determine safe storage of petrol, turpentine, poisons, paints, etc.
b. determine systems for safely directing traffic in warehouse areas.
Note: You may choose to contact your WorkCover authority for advice, for example, on implementing aspects of the WHS Act.
4. Arrange with your assessor to meet with the Wollongong Store Manager. Prepare to discuss worker concerns and possible actions to take.
5. In a role-play, meet with the Wollongong Store Manager. During the meeting, you will explain and use your procedures to assess and record actions taken to control WHS risks. Discuss the expert advice you researched or received.
6. Develop a plan to implement appropriate measures to control risk. Include:
a. timelines, resources and actions
b. any new procedures to be developed
c. changes to procedures
d. further communication and consultation:
plan at least one meeting in detail to inform affected workers of changes and include strategies to provide access to information and ease of understanding
e. ongoing, regular monitoring (plan for at least three monitoring activities, e.g. scheduled audits)
f. recordkeeping or reporting actions to assist in compliance and organisational WHS performance review.
7. Submit all required documentation to your assessor as per the specifications below. Keep copies for your records.

You must:
- participate in a role-play meeting with the HSR (the assessor)
- identify and seek expert advice
- participate in a role-play meeting with Wollongong Store Manager (the assessor)
- submit a portfolio of evidence that includes:
o WHS risk management policy and procedure/s
o recordkeeping policy and procedure/s, including the required templates and forms
o an implementation plan for control and monitoring of identified risk/s
o completed records of risk treatment (completed as per recordkeeping procedures).
Your assessor will be looking for evidence of:
- knowledge of relevant WHS Acts, regulations and codes of practice that apply to WHS risk management and recordkeeping in the context of the simulated business and scenario
- analytical and problem-solving skills to examine relevant workplace information and data to identify hazards, and to assess and control risks using the hierarchy of control
- communication skills to consult with staff and to promote a safe workplace
- literacy skills to locate, adapt and communicate WHS policies that reflect WHS legislative requirements
- information technology skills to, for example, source simulated business information, use word processing software to adapt existing policies, and complete and store records of risk treatment.

Assessment Task 3

Evaluate WHS management systems

Submission details
The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.

Performance objective
For this task, you will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to evaluate and maintain a WHS management system.

Assessment description
Using the simulated business and scenario information provided in the appendices of this assessment task, as well as policy and planning developed in Assessment Tasks 1 and 2, you will evaluate a WHS management system.

Using the data provided, you will measure the effectiveness of the WHS management system (WHSMS) and develop a number of recommendations to be included in an evaluation report. You will then plan for the implementation of your recommendations, including training or induction.

1. Review the Australian Hardware scenario in Appendix 1.
2. Review the Australian Hardware simulated business information in the appendices of Assessment Task 1 and WHSMS documentation and planning you developed in Assessment Tasks 1 and 2.

Note: Detailed information on Australian Hardware, including operational policies and procedures, risk management, and financials may be accessed at:
a. 'Australian Hardware', IBSA .
3. Review the Australian Hardware national WHS data in Appendix 2.
4. Read and analyse the data.
5. Develop an evaluation report. Include in your report:a. three recommendations, including improvements to recordkeeping practices and induction or training
b. justification for recommendations with reference to internal and external requirements, such as WHS legislation, standards, codes of practice. Refer to particular relevant sections of legislation.
6. Create a plan for the implementation of your recommendations, including the implementation of training/induction recommendations. Ensure you:
a. include regular review and reporting
b. include timelines, resources and actions
c. are consistent with recommendations and justification with respect to compliance and adherence to organisational requirements.
7. Create a plan for a typical training or safety induction session. Ensure your training/induction session:
a. adheres to existing policies and procedures
b. demonstrates adherence to your recommendations and is designed to address performance issues:
i. for example, develop and demonstrate a procedure for safe handling of X to reduce accidents with X
c. demonstrates adherence to overall company aims and objectives
d. has a particular target audience
i. for example, customer service inductees or managers
e. demonstrates adherence to WHS legislation, codes of practice or standards:
i. for example, develop and train a relevant safety procedure with close reference to an Australian Standard or model code of practice.

8. Submit all required documentation to your assessor as per specifications below. Keep copies for your records.


You must provide:
• a three- to four-page evaluation report with recommendations
• a portfolio of evidence, including:
o an implementation plan for recommendations
o a session plan for a typical training/safety induction session.

Your assessor will be looking for evidence of:
- knowledge of relevant WHS Acts, regulations and codes of practice that apply to WHS risk management and recordkeeping in the context of the simulated business and scenario
- analytical and problem-solving skills to examine relevant workplace information and data to identify hazards and to assess and control risks through recommendations and planning
- communication skills to plan effective induction or training of staff to promote a safe workplace
- literacy skills to interpret policies, legislation and make recommendations in an evaluation report
- information technology skills to, for example, source simulated business information, and use word processing software to present data in a report.

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Business Management: Establish and maintain whs management systems - demonstrate
Reference No:- TGS01546553

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