
Establish a wbs to support the project with the revised

Project Management Assignment

Project Estimating and Budgeting Discussion: Project Chosen

Complete Bathroom Remodel

I was at the beginning of a project at my home when I started this class. it is a complete remodel of one of my bathrooms. The entire bathroom has been gutted and the plan is to do an entirely new design. There is an are in the bathroom that created a problem during the last remodel, several years ago. The project manager explained the issue and helped us with the new design but as it turned out, it was a bit awkward but it was tolerable. This time we are trying to change the same area to make to fit in with a completely new design. My son was his own project manager for his bathroom remodel and came up with some great ideas. I used his contractor and he insisted that I get my son, who has very little yet valuable experience, involved. Together we have resolved that issue and are on our way to creating a beautiful brand new bathroom. I explained to the contractor what the problem was from the past and along with my son's vision, we have a successful project in the making. I learned that the vision and insight from others, can sometimes be that one thing that could give you a breakthrough when you have no other ideas.

Section 1: MS Project Exercise Assignment 1

1. Develop a multilevel work breakdown structure (WBS) and create a detailed project schedule in MS Project for the project you identified. Note: The project must consist of at least twenty-five (25) tasks. Each task must have a start date, a finish date, assigned main staffing and non-staffing resources.

Section 1: MS Project Exercise Assignment 2

Update the project schedule in MS Project to account for the following changes:

1. Revise the project schedule so that it contains at least five work packages.
2. Establish a WBS to support the project with the revised schedule.
3. Revise the durations of the tasks based on the revised schedule.

"Building a Network Schedule" Please respond to the following:. Discussion

• From the e-Activities and other materials available during the week, explain you will explain your project via a network diagram. Be sure to include a recommendation regarding how to communicate complex, technical information, such as a project network diagrams, to non-technical people.

• At the end of your posting, using the Internet, find an article that talks about using network diagrams for managing your project. Provide a quick two-sentence summary (in your own words) of the article. You will need to post a link to the article and include the title of the article (ONLY FOR YOUR INITIAL POSTING).

Discussion: "Schedule Risk and Readdressing Scope" Please respond to the following:

• Imagine you are working on a project where the project manager does not analyze the critical path. Identify and discuss a key problem the PM is creating for the project and the client. Next, explain the benefit that will come when you re-address your project scope and the impact to the critical path. Provide a rationale to support your response.

• At the end of your posting, using the Internet, find an article that talks about managing scope & risk with projects. Provide a quick two-sentence summary (in your own words) of the article. You will need to post a link to the article and include the title of the article (ONLY FOR YOUR INITIAL POSTING).

Establishing a Performance Measurement Baseline" Please respond to the following:

• Imagine that you are managing a project that involves the development of a new football stadium that will support both the Balitimore Ravens & Washington Redskins (similar to what has been done in New Jersey for the NY Jets/Giants). The new stadium will be located in Howard County, MD and will be accessible by cars, bus, and a new direct-line train that will travel from both Baltimore Penn Station & Washington Union Station. Fans will only have to walk 500 feet from the train station to the entrance of the stadium. The stadium will be multiple purpose (similar to Jerry's World AT&T Cowboys Stadium) so that the stadium can be used year-round. The stadium will seat 85,000 fans. As the PM for this project, you are required to submit a budget proposal for this project. Determine the top three important elements of your budget proposal, and specify the main reasons why the elements you have determined are important.

• Using the same scenario from Part I of this discussion, determine the best way to establish a performance measurement baseline for your project. Justify your response.

• Using the Internet, find an article that talks about how to establish a baseline or using baselines for managing your project. You will need to post a link to the article and include the title of the article (ONLY FOR YOUR INITIAL POSTING).


Collecting Cost and Schedule Performance Metrics" Please respond to the following:

• From the first and second e-Activities, develop one innovative way to track key project costs (e.g., labor hours) for a complex project that lasts for two years and involves more than fifty resources. Be as creative as you like, and provide one example which shows the significant ways in which your innovation would work in a real-world situation.

• Using the stadium project from Week 6 discussion, determine the best practice for conducting an earned value analysis for the project in question. Provide a rationale for your determination and one specific example which illustrates the significant ways in which the best practice in question would work in real life.

Project Estimating and Budgeting Assignment 3

Section 1: MS Project Exercise

Update the project schedule in MS Project to account for the following changes:

1. Develop a network schedule for your project using either the arrow diagramming method or the precedence method. Also, your project schedule should illustrate float/slack for each activity.

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Project Management: Establish a wbs to support the project with the revised
Reference No:- TGS02308683

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