1) Determine the output resistance of the circuit below left. Assume that all transistors are in saturation, and ?? ≠ 0.
2) Find the voltage gain of the circuit above right. Assume that all transistors are in saturation, and ?? ≠ 0.
3) Calculate the input resistance and the voltage gain of the circuit below left. Assume that all transistors are in saturation, and ?? ≠ 0.
4) Consider the circuit shown above right. Here, you will use the following NMOS and PMOS models. You can import them into LTSpice or your favorite SPICE simulator.
a. Determine W2 such that an input DC level of 0.9 V yields an output DC level of 1 V. What is the low-frequency voltage gain under these conditions? Use AC analysis in SPICE to view the gain vs. frequency response of the amplifier.
b. What is the change in the gain if the width and length of NMOS and PMOS devices varies by ± 10% individually? Which one is the most sensitive?
c. Establish a simulation setup to simulate the output resistance of the amplifier. What is the simulated value of the output resistance?