
Establish a bijection between regions of ag and acylic

Math 121c: Topics in Geometric Combinatorics, Spring 2012 Problems-

(a) Let G be a graph vertices {1, 2, . . . , n}. The Graphical arrangement AG is the arrangement in Rn consisting of the hyperplanes

xi - xj = 0, ij ∈ E(G).

Let PG(t) be the chromatic polynomial of G, i.e. for any positive integer k, PG(k) is the number of proper vertex colorings of G with k colors (feel free to ask me why PG(t) is a polynomial if you don't already know why). Prove that

χAG(t) = PG(t).

(b) Establish a bijection between regions of AG and acylic orientations of G, and conclude that the number of acyclic orientations of G is |PG(-1)|.

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Mathematics: Establish a bijection between regions of ag and acylic
Reference No:- TGS01463776

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