
Essence of relationships

1-Based on what we now about the essence of relationships, is it possible for a customer to have a relationship with a commercial (or other) firms? Is it possible for a customer to have a relationship with a brand? Is it possible for a firm to have relationship with customer, especially a customer who is one of millions of customer? If you said no to any of these questions, what conditions would have to be met before a relationship would be possible?

2-James Barnes says an important ingredient to a good relationship is an emotional connection, but customer relationship have elsewhere been referred to as a "bond of value" or a "bond of convenient" what do you think? Do customers have to love a product or company in order to have a "relationship" with that enterprise? Or is a perceived benefit, especially one that grows from a vested interest- enough? How would you approach a debate on this controversy?

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Business Management: Essence of relationships
Reference No:- TGS075433

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