
Essays must answer or address one and only one of the essay

Essays must answer (or address) one (and only one) of the essay prompts provided by the Unit Coordinator of P11111001. The essay prompts begin on the third page of this document.


Essays should not exceed LOOS words (excluding bibliographical Mtioination). If an essay is kerer than this, the marker may ignore the excess words, or the essay mark may he lowered.

Essays are to conform to the following style:

  • Typed or w otd.procested (if that's a problem, please let the coordinator know ).
  • Double-spared 4(This is very important!)
  • 25 nun (l inch) margins.
  • All %OUR (e.g. quotations) must he fully and accurately referenced using proper form for references.
  • Referenced using either Ilarsanl style (logrSgoides. rt. owardo ;turbanned) or Oxford style (lutottleuidmis.uwa.eduriutGxford).
  • Bibliography containing only items that are referenced in the essay (in the tea or foot/endnotes).
  • When citing another writer's text, pkase include references to specific page numbers indicating where you found the quotation or the idea.
  • Include an accurate word-cont on the front page


Your research essay is due at the end of semester. on Friday. 20 May, by 5:00PA!. All essays must be submitted v is TURNITIN link posted on the LMS. Follow the assessments link on the Jell side of thc LMS page.

4. LATE. PENALTIES AND EXTENSIONS. The university policy on tale submissions is as follows:

"Per the University Policy on Assessment. a penalty of 5 per cent of the total mark allocated for the assessment item is deducted per day for the arm 7 days (including weekends and public holidays) after which the assigned work is not accepted. Each 24•tosir block is recopied from the time the assignment is due. Assessments submitted Later than 7 days after the deadline receive a mark of corn, unless an application for mitigation is approved."

Students seeking an extension must du so by applying for special consideration by way of the student advisor for their faculty. (The following link might help you lind your advisor In addition. please send the unit-coordinator an email notice that you are applying for an extension.

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Dissertation: Essays must answer or address one and only one of the essay
Reference No:- TGS01408369

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