Essay write a 3-4 page paper sharing a story that

Part A- To what should I dedicate myself?
Read and view the following:
Lee Hardy, Making the Match: Career Choice"
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, "The Place of Responsibility"
Frederick Buechner, "Vocation"
Will Campbell, "Vocation"
Fr. Greg Boyle's film from Jesuit Jubilee 2006 (Kaltura)

Essay: Write a 3-4 page paper sharing a story that illustrates your understanding of vocation and its relationship to your work. Your paper should reflect critical engagement with at least four of the assigned readings.

Part B- To whom should I listen?
Read the following: Will Weaver, "The Undeclared Major"
Amy Tan, "Two Kinds"
Malcolm X with Alex Haley, from The Autobiography of Malcolm X
Willa Cather, "The Ancient ..."

Essay: Write a 3-4 page essay describing the influences (familial, religious, cultural, community, national, and personal) that have shaped your life's decision and values. Where do you now stand in relation to those influences? Your paper should engage at least four of the required readings.

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Anonymous user

4/28/2016 2:14:36 AM

In this task, first of all you have to consider the poetries illustrated in the problem and on the basis of that, respond to the following tasks. Part A: Essay: Please write a 3 to 4 page paper sharing the story which describes your understanding of the vocation and its relationship to your work. The paper must reflect critical engagement with at a minimum of four of the assigned readings. Part B: Essay: Please write down a 3 to 4 page paper essay illustrating the affects (that is, familial, religious, community, cultural, national and personal) that have shaped the decision and values of your life. Explain where do you now stand in relation to such affects? The paper must employ at a minimum of four of the required readings.