
Essay on the chicago monetarist school of economics


Write an Essay on The Chicago (Monetarist) School of Economics

1. Provide a Very Brief History of the School

2. Identify the School's Most Famous Members

3. Set Forth and Explain the Basic Teachings of the School (Number 3 is the most important aspect of the essay, and should make up the vast majority of the essay.)

MANDATORY Format (No Exceptions) For All Essay Assignments:

1. Length: 1,000 to 1,500 words in Body of Essay. Title Pages, References, Illustrations, etc. Do Not Count as Part of Word Total.

2. A Minimum of 5 and Maximum of 7 Different Sources Must be Quoted and/or Directly Referenced in Each Essay. Encyclopedia or Encyclopedic-type Material (like Wikipedia, etc.) are NOT to be used.

3. Each Quotation and/or Direct Reference Must Not Exceed 50 Words. As such, a maximum of 350 total words can come from the sources used. The remainder of the Essay MUST be written by the student (650 to 1150 words, depending on the length of the Essay).

4. Proper Referencing of the Quoted/Referenced Material Requires Both In-Text Citations AND a Bibliography/Reference List.

Use the APA STYLE Format for your Citations and Bibliography/Reference List. Failure to use both In-Text Citations and a Bibliography/Reference List constitutes another form of Plagiarism.

Please also carefully note the following: Paraphrasing material or copying it without giving proper In-Text Citation and Bibliographical/Reference List credit to where that material came from is yet another form of plagiarism, so be careful. Again, THE USE OF ANY SOURCE MATERIAL MUST NOT exceed 50 words.

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Microeconomics: Essay on the chicago monetarist school of economics
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