
Essay on legalization of marijuana


TOPICS: One of the following topics is used: death penalty, legalization of marijuana, gay marriage, stem cell research, gun rights, tax reform, lowering legal age of alcohol consumption, and immigration reform. NOTE: abortion is not an approved topic.

Essay Requirements.

-The Political issue essays are expected to highlight both sides of a political issue. Students are allowed to take a political standpoint as long as both sides of the political issue are explored. For example, a student may want to explore the political issue of gun control. A student should provide a very brief historical perspective of gun control and explore both the pro gun control and the anti gun control political perspectives. Finally, students can argue whether they feel that gun control is appropriate or under which conditions and circumstances that gun control is acceptable or unacceptable.

Papers may be refused if they do not adhere to the following basic requirements:

-The essay should be at least 1000 words in standard academic format, not including the references/works cited list.

-All resources are cited in the body of the essay with in-text citations and corresponding full citations in a works cited page.

-12pt. Times New Roman Font, and double spaced formatting.

-Students are required to utilize at least three academic resources (There is a link to Galileo from the course home page- wikipedia and ask.com are not academic resources and may not be used).

-The paper must be in MLA or APA format.

-All essays must be in a word document format (.doc or .docx) NO OTHER formats will be accepted.

-You are encouraged to use the services of the Writing Center.

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Essay Writing: Essay on legalization of marijuana
Reference No:- TGS02014059

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