Moral relativism
Project instructions:
Introductory comments:
The essay to be evaluative and independent, rather than just interpretive. Most English essays are about what someone else says. Some philosophy papers are also about what someone else says, but there is usually an element of independent evaluation on top of the interpretation: did some author make a good argument (and why)? And I would rather you write a paper in which you have to think out your own philosophical opinion and argue for it in a well-organized way.
Please note:
For answering the following question include references to some of our class readings (provided) and include your evaluation of some of the arguments in those readings.
Question (Topic)
We examined arguments for relativism (e.g. Westermarck and in Stace) and against it (e.g. Stace). What do you think–is moral relativism right?
1. The needed readings are uploaded.
2. Make sure use references/examples from the readings
3. What from Dr. McCord?s lecture did you find most interesting?