
Essay-group dynamics and work teams

Write an essay bwithin a 5 page:



• Develop an essay according the following steps and instruction. The essay consist in describe an experience to then, connect it with a concept. Abstract conceptualization is the most important part of the essay. Considering that, it is important you check/choose the concept first to then think in a experience that could be easy to relate.

• The main topic for this assignment is to think back on a GROUP DYNAMIC EXPERIENCE that you have had in some in your work (or previous work) thathas been significant for you. Think in a group work you have done that was interesting and challenging.

• Below you will find some concept I took from the course text. Those will be necessary to answer step C- Abstract Conceptualization.  Main concept can be copy-paste from them. Please put them in bold letter to I can cited them after. There are also extra explanation.

• The essay should be between 4-5 pages, times new roman N11. 2ble space paragraph.

• At the end, you will find a REFERENCE of another PAA I did before. Please read it and follow the style.


A. Concrete Experience? (1 page max)

• Objectively describe the experience (who, what, when, where, how)

• Subjectively describe your feelings, perceptions, and thoughts that occurred during (not after) the experience. What did others seem to be feeling? (2 points)

B . Reflective Observation (1 page max)

• Looking back at the experience, what were the perspectives of the key actors (including you)?

• Why did the people involved (including you) behave as they did?

C. Abstract Conceptualization (1 page max)

• Relate concepts or theories from the assigned readings or the lecture to the experience. Explain thoroughly how they apply to your experience. Please apply at least two concepts or theories and cite them correctly.

D.Active Experimentation?1. (1 page max)

• What did you learn about motivation from this experience?

• What did you learn about yourself?

• What action steps will you take to be more effective in the future?

E.Integration, Synthesis, and Writing? (1 page max)

• Did you integrate and synthesize the four sections?

• Was the Personal Application Assignment well written and easy to understand?

• Was it free of spelling and grammar errors?


Although it is tempting to define group performance solely in terms of its production or efficiency, “team effectiveness is a richer concept that encompasses the productive output of the team, The social processes the team uses in carrying out the work enhance ?members' capability of working together interdependently in the future and the group experience contributes positively to the learning and personal well- ?being of individual team members”


In order to succeed, teams require a common purpose and specific goals.It is also helpful to ensure that teams have a sense of group efficacy—a feeling that the team has the capability to successfully accomplish its taskand a shared mental model which refers to member´s shared, organized understanding and mental representation of tasks-related and team related knowledge.


Group Cohesion is “the degree to which member are motivated to stay in the group” Cohesiveness is a double-edged sword for managers because it can either enhance or impede group performance. Cohesive groups tend to be better at achieving their goals than are non-cohesive groups.Thus, cohesive groups that have the goal of increased productivity will be more productive.


Another issue that must be addressed with respect to group process is group norms. A norm is an unwritten, often implicit rule that defines what attitudes and behaviors characterize a "good" group member versus a "bad", group member or what constitutes acceptable behavior, attitudes, and feelings.Norms are the group's shared beliefs about appropriate behavior, attitudes, and perceptions concerning matters that are important to the group.

All groups create norms as they develop and mature. In and of themselves, norms are neither good nor bad. The important point is whether or not the norms that exist support the group's work or act to reduce effectiveness. In this way, group norms control the behavior of members and make group life more predictable.

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