
Essay-communication style of a country on indonesia

Essay-Communication style of a country on Indonesia

Project instructions:

Write a short essay of 1,200 words, excluding references and appendices, on one particular topic related to the communication style of a country on Indonesia

Marking criteria: The content should be relevant to the materials as well as the countries discussed in the unit, coherent, stimulating, insightful and well-structured, properly presented and referenced appropriately. Sources of research should be predominately formal publications (minimum of 8 books and/or academic journal articles). The references should provide evidence that the student has shown initiative in looking for material, and the essay should incorporate the sources cited (In-text referencing), where relevant, with APA 6th Edition referencing style.

1. For example, you can decide to write about the social media culture among Indonesia’s youth as long as you direct your argument towards how this new culture affects, or disturbs, the traditional Indonesian communication style. The main point is, your topic should be directed to the communication style of one of the four countries;

2. Please use more academic journal articles or books as your reference and not sites such as Wikipedia or Dictionary.com. You can search relevant journal articles or books through library database.

By paying attention to the above 3 points as well as the instruction on your unit outline and the marking rubric for this assignment, you can guarantee yourself a good mark.

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Reference No:- TGS01437827

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