The Magazine Brief
Here are the essential elements to include in your plan for your magazine:
Editorial Vision
Your Magazine DESIGN BRIEF should begin with a text description of the editorial idea and a briefdescription of competitive publications that exist, if any, and how yours will differ. Describe what your publication will do for its readers by listing the kind of stories it would publish. Include a description of both the monthly departments and the type of feature articles that might be included.
Audience Strategy
Describe your target readers and why they would buythe publication. Describe psychographics and how you will use these psychographics to make graphic choices that will appeal to your audience.
Graphic Vision
Provide a description of the page size, style of graphics (imagery-photos, illustrations, etc.), general typographic styles you intend to employ, any period or design styles you'd like to apply that would be recognizeable to me, and emotion-based descriptors that help define the visual "energy" of the publication. If you have preliminary ideas about the type of grid you will use, describe it now.
Table of Contents
You will need to create a rough table of contents for Issue One, that you can adapt as you go along.
A Flatplan
Dummy your pages to show a table of contents, three to five different departments, a minimum of 3 feature articles, and any other pages you are interested in creating for this assignment. Your flatplan needs to show the placement of each and the pagination for the entire publication.