A zoonosis called erysipelas in animals, rose disease in pig, erysipaloid in man is caused by Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae (insidiosa). Other names given to this condition are fish finger or pork finger disease. Besides man, it may affect pig, cattle, equine, dog, fish, poultry and many other territorial and aquatic animals. The transmission occurs through direct contact with contaminated tissues, animal products or soil.
The initial symptoms starts with itching, tingling and burning sensation at the site of infection in the skin followed by development of erythema and oedema accompanied by arthralgia, septicaemia, lymphangitis, lymphadenitis and anaemia. There may be endocarditis and meningitis.
The diagnosis is made on the basis of symptoms and history of the patient. Organisms can be isolated from skin lesions, joint fluid and blood using enriched medium or mice inoculation. Complement fixation test is used for serodiagnosis in carriers. Nucleic acid based diagnosis like PCR may be used for rapid and accurate diagnosis