
Errors within the performance appraisal process

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1st student :

There are many errors with the performance appraisal process I have noticed on the job such as favoritism. I worked in the restaurant industry for many years and one of the biggest things to do is go drinking after almost every shift, I've never been much of a drinker and so I wouldn't go out all the time. I noticed that I got lower performance reviews from my manager even though I did more for him, covered more shifts, got consistently better tips then others I was lower then "good" performance staff. This is common in many restaurants people think if you don't drink with them your "better", judging or ect. But it does come with consequences I ended up getting worse shifts and no one would ever cover for me if I wanted time off. Favortism is hard to deal with but luckly in a corp. it can be noticed and fixed.

2nd student :

In my experience, I have seen bias as the greatest error in the performance appraisal process. Sometimes employers give performance appraisals that do not match an employees true work performance. Judgement can impair an employers appraisal rather than taking into account the employees true work ethic and proficiency. Sometimes personalities do not mesh creating issues when an employer goes to give an employee a performance appraisal.

Another factor that can cause errors within the performance appraisal process is negativity that may lead to discouragement rather than improvement. If negatives within a performance appraisal are solely focused on, then an employee may become discouraged and often times not improve on their job whatsoever ( which improvement is the main goal of performance appraisals). By listing both positives and negatives in a performance appraisal, an employee can be sure to improve upon the negatives and continue working on the parts of their job that they do effectively. Performance appraisals can prove to be great opportunities to set new goals for employees, and build employer-employee relationships

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Other Management: Errors within the performance appraisal process
Reference No:- TGS01808067

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