
Error is loss of profitability on the equipment

Discuss the following:

Q1: At what point does the possibility that an event is more than coincidence become obvious? Consider this in terms of probability theory and statistical significance.

Q2: Type I error is rejecting a null hypothesis when it is true and Type II error is accepting a null hypothesis when it is false. In case of medical devices as the stakes are very high (death), the null hypothesis is that the error in medical equipment is more than the prescribed limit and alternate hypothesis is that the error less than prescribed limit. So if we set the significance level high, we are making more type I error. Since stakes are high, the cost of Type I error is quite high and one should reduce this error as much as one can. So generally we set significance level of 1% or .1% for medical equipments. On the other hand by setting the low Type I error, the Type II error increases that is concluding that equipment has high error when it really does not have that. Thus, we are rejecting the machines which are OK and thereby reducing the profitability. The trade off lies in the way in which the profits can be maximized for the equipment manufacturer. The cost of type I error is law suits for error equipments, compensation for deaths, loss of trust in the equipments by the doctors, etc.

The cost of type II error is loss of profitability on the equipment. Since the cost of lawsuits and compensation are very high, the type I error is set at very low level 1% or .1%.


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Basic Statistics: Error is loss of profitability on the equipment
Reference No:- TGS01901027

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