
Error diffusion on a grayscale image

Question 1: Explain, in detail, an algorithm to execute error diffusion on a grayscale image. Your algorithm must take a grayscale image, with eight bits per pixel and transform it to a black and white image, with one bit per pixel, at similar resolution.

Question 2: An inventor generates a display where each pixel can encompass one of three values: White, mid-grey or black. Such a display can be built by, for illustration, by using rotating triangular blocks of painted wood. The figure exhibits the back view of a row of five pixels with the central pixel turning. From left to right the pixels are showing, to the front side: black, black, turning, white, black.

581_image processing.jpg

Change your algorithm in part first to handle these three-valued pixels.

Question 3: Explain, in detail, the modifications needed to turn the display explained above into a color display. Your display, via use of a suitable error diffusion algorithm, must be able to display error-diffused versions of 24-bit RGB color images.

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Computer Graphics: Error diffusion on a grayscale image
Reference No:- TGS08926

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