
Erp business case

ERP Business Case

You work for a company that is operating with legacy information technology systems implemented 20 years ago. Software experts were expecting the Y2K software problem towards the turn of the century. Y2K is a common abbreviation for the year 2000 software problem, which was expected as a result of the practice of representing a year with two digits in early computer programming instead of four digits. You were fortunate that no problems occurred during Y2K, even though the company gambled and did not make any changes or updates to the systems and software at that time. The company has doubled in size (both number of employees and revenue generated) over that twenty year time period. The company desperately needs to upgrade the enterprise systems and software by implementing an
up-to-date ERP system.

You are required to conduct research of the marketing materials for at least two ERP providers, such as SAP, Oracle, SSA Global, or others and develop a brief business case (rationale or justification) for purchasing and implementing ERP at this time.

Submit your case in a one- to two-page Word document

Cite sources you use using APA format on a separate page.

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Business Management: Erp business case
Reference No:- TGS092773

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