
Erik eriksons psychosocial theory of development

Problem: Using Erik Erikson's psychosocial theory of development to analyze the impact of four significant psychological or social developmental milestones in your life, and one from an older person with whom you have a relationship. Recall from your textbook that many milestones are biological, while others are psychological or social. Examples of psycho-social turning points include the development of or changes in; self-esteem, identity, ethics, sexuality, and friendship. Important cultural events that should be considered include graduation, marriage, childbirth, employment, etc.

You must name and analyze four different dilemmas from his theory that were (or are) major turning points in your life. Three of the four must come from different stages. Include the following information:

The stage in which you met the milestone.

How Erikson conceptualized resolution of the crisis in that stage.

Describe how you resolved the conflict and with what consequence.

Discuss how each milestone might have affected (or will affect) other stages of your life.

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Other Subject: Erik eriksons psychosocial theory of development
Reference No:- TGS03212271

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