
Er 120-01m1 -01m2 -introduction to engineering i cvcc

Introduction to Engineering I CVCC

Learning Objectives -

  • Define engineering and what an engineer does.
  • Demonstrate the ability to solve engineering problems using a structured problem solving technique.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of teamwork and team leadership.
  • Solve a design problem.
  • Communicate the results of the team's design activity.
  • Understand the role professional ethics has in the engineering profession.
  • Demonstrate the ability to solve engineering problems (including MTH 263 problems) using MATLAB.

Requirements for VT -

  • Compare and contrast the contributions of different types of engineers in the development of a product, process, or system.
  • Develop a plan of study for your undergraduate career.
  • Articulate holistic issues that impact engineering solutions.
  • Solve problems using systematic engineering approaches and tools.
  • Model an engineering system.
  • Synthesize information from several sources.
  • Communicate information effectively.
  • Contribute effectively to an engineering team.

Requirements for VT, 1 -

  • Expose students to multiple engineering careers, contributions of different types of engineering, and career options and opportunities in their academic careers.
  • Help students understand the role of engineered products in the social world, which includes understanding not only how something works technically, but how it affects the human and natural environment (social, global, environmental, and economic impacts; ethics), typically drawing on library research methods to inform their understanding (e.g. EngE 1215 uses the concept of "product archaeology" to help students explore the technical and non-technical dimensions of engineered products).

Requirements for VT, 2 -

  • Employ a systematic, transferable approach to open-ended problems that supports an engineering problem solving process and includes skills in problem definition, analysis, and metacognition.
  • Introduce students to the basic syntax and constructs (mathematical and logical operators, selection and repetition, input and output) for an algorithmic programming tool or language (e.g., MATLAB®) and enable them to interpret line code to predict the output and modify segments existing of existing code appropriately.
  • Teach students to use empirical functions (e.g. linear, exponential, power) to mathematically and/or graphically represent engineering systems.

Requirements for VT, 3 -

  • Enable students to work with hands-on projects or experiments related to engineering problems.
  • Enable students to use data to inform engineering decisions that impact the performance/outcome of a physical system (e.g. in EngE 1215 students program a line following robot).
  • Provide multiple opportunities for students to practice written, oral, and visual communication, with opportunities for self-assessment; note that multiple short memo assignments may be as or more effective than long reports.
  • Integrate teamwork instruction and practice throughout the course, include peer and self-evaluation.

The writer needs to insert a developer tab in his excel sheet or else it will not show the coding in editor. He has to turn on the developer tab and copy the interp.txt file in that one.  The answer from excel sheets are wrong, except 100. Week 4 slides EGR 120 week 4 last part of the slides are the instructions what to do. I need to see the formula too. He can work all over again by reading the homework part and follow the instructions. I need a word file and a excel file, like the example I send you. There is a template for the word file.

It's urgent. I need it in excel.

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Other Engineering: Er 120-01m1 -01m2 -introduction to engineering i cvcc
Reference No:- TGS02640864

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