Equation of the least squares line

An investigation was carried out to study the relationship between speed (ft/sec) and stride rate (number of steps taken/sec) among female marathon runners. Resulting summary quantities included n = 11, ?(speed) = 205.5, ?(speed)2 = 3880.08, ?(rate) = 35.15,?(rate)2 = 112.691, and ?(speed)(rate) = 660.136.

(a) Calculate the equation of the least squares line that you would use to predict stride rate from speed. (Round all numerical values to four decimal places.)

(b) Calculate the equation of the least squares line that you would use to predict speed from stride rate. (Round all numerical values to four decimal places.)

(c) Calculate the coefficient of determination for the regression of stride rate on speed of part (a) and for the regression of speed on stride rate of part (b). (Round your answers to three decimal places.)

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Basic Statistics: Equation of the least squares line
Reference No:- TGS0729338

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