
Equation for emf generated in dc machine

1) Describe the following terms with respect to rotating electrical machines

2) Write down advantages of short- pitched coils.

3) Describe rotating magnetic field in detail.

4) Describe pitch factor in detail.

5) Write down the equation for emf generated in D.C.machine.

6) What do you mean by winding factor?

7) What do you mean by distributed windings?

8) Describe how is voltage generated in rotating machines?

9) Write down the torque equation for round rotor machine.

10) Which kind of winding is appropriate for ac machines? Describe in detail.

11)a) Deduce the expression for generated emf in synchronous machines.

b) A 50 Hz synchronous most important pole generator is driven at 125 rpm. There are 576 stator slots with two conductors per slot, air gap diameter is 6.1 m and stator length is 1.2m. Sinusoidal flux density has the peak of 1.14T. Compute the line voltage induced for star connection.

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Electrical Engineering: Equation for emf generated in dc machine
Reference No:- TGS011372

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