
Equal employment opportunity

Discuss the following:

Research paper proposal

Create a paper on the seven functions stated in the book in the following order; strategy and planning, equal employment opportunity, staffing, talent manager, rewards, risk management and worker protection, and employee and labor relations. When writing about equal employment opportunity, I will be sure to include the laws and regulations that affects equal employment opportunity. When writing about rewards, I plan to include compensation that includes pay, incentives and benefits. Although writing about seven functions can turn into a long paper, I will emphasize the key areas and expand in more important areas.

Strategy and planning

Equal employment Opportunity - include laws & regulations affecting EEO


Talent manager

Rewards - include compensation: pay, incentives, benefits

Risk management and worker protection

Employee and labor relations


o Papers are to be typed in proper APA format.

o Set up for double spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point font.

o The paper should read smoothly, with clean transitions between sections.

o It is to be free of typographic and grammatical errors.

o Page limits: Five page minimum; ten page maximum (Title page, abstract and references are NOT included in your page count).

o Use of original, scholarly sources (properly cited).

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Other Management: Equal employment opportunity
Reference No:- TGS01781511

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