
Epsy5607 quantitative methods in research assignment state

Quantitative Methods in Research Assignment

The data for this assignment are in the SPSS data file ASSIGNMENT1_F17.SAV. The data are from a hypothetical study of variables related to job satisfaction. Data were collected on a sample of employees in various positions from companies of various types and sizes. Job satisfaction (JOBSAT) was measured on a 1-10 scale. There are a number of variables in the data set. For the purposes of the assignment, we will focus only on type of company (TYPE = 1 for public sector, 2 for private) and whether or not the employee had a salary increase in the last year (SALRYINC = 1 for No, 2 for Yes) as explanatory variables.

1. Use SPSS to determine whether there is a difference between the mean job satisfaction scores of employees in public and private sector jobs.

(a) State the null and alternate hypotheses of interest.

(b) Paste relevant SPSS output here.

(c) Interpret the results of Levene's test for equality of variances. What does the sig. value tell you and what implications does it have for interpreting the rest of the results?

(d) Interpret the two-tailed sig. value. State specifically what the value means, not simply what conclusion you would draw based on it.

(e) State your conclusion using a .05 significance level. Be specific about how you arrived at this conclusion, showing what values you used.

(f) Perform another test to determine if there are differences in mean job satisfaction scores of employees who have received a salary increase in the last year and those who have not. Paste relevant SPSS output here.  State your conclusion clearly and fully, indicating what values you used.

(g) Interpret the 95 confidence interval in the output. State specifically what the lower and upper limits of the confidence interval tell you, and draw a conclusion based on the confidence interval.

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