
Eplain why it is significant to a professionals work with

Content Review



• Respond to each item. Each response should be concise and between 2-3 paragraphs in length.

• Use MS Word to write your responses, and submit your answers to all three questions in one Word document.

• Copy and paste each question within the document, so that your Instructor can see which question you are responding to.

1. In Chapter 1 of Diversity in Early Care and Education, Janet Gonzalez-Mena introduces the concept of transformative education and discusses the role of dialogue. Review the information presented on pages 25-26 (including Point to Ponder 1.9). Using an example related to the care of infants or toddlers that you have read about or observed in the first four weeks of this course, explain what the terms transformative education and dialogue mean, as well as how these concepts relate to each other.

2. Differences between individuals' concepts of time, which are shaped by culture, can lead to conflicts. Review the information on time concepts presented on pages 38-39 of Diversity in Early Care and Education and then review the information on outcomes to cultural conflicts addressed on pages 54-56 of the text. Describe one or more conflicts that may arise between an infant/toddler professional and a family member if the two individuals have different views on time. Then, using this example, compare and contrast two or more of the five outcomes described on pages 54-56, and explain the advantage(s) of one outcome over the other.

3. On page 56 of Diversity in Early Care and Education, Janet Gonzalez-Mena refers to the challenge issued by the National Association for Education of Young Children (NAEYC) for infant/toddler professionals to move beyond dualistic thinking toward holistic thinking. Using an example related to the care of infants or toddlers, explain what holistic thinking means and describe how it presents a better alternative for addressing the needs of everyone involved.


Application: Applying Knowledge of Culture and Family-Centered Care to Practice in Infant/Toddler Programs

In this course, you have learned a great deal about the often abstract and complex subject of culture and how it can influence behaviors, interactions, and communication in infant/toddler programs. Imagine that you now have an opportunity to share what you have learned in this course about culture and family centered care and education with other infant/toddler professionals. What information would be most valuable for professionals who will be working with infants/toddlers and their families?

In preparation for this assignment, consider the key insights you have had or the most important ideas you have encountered in this course. The following is one example: It is important for infant/toddler professionals to learn directly from families rather than make assumptions about their values and beliefs based on cultural stereotypes. You may wish to consult the Learning Resources and the assignments you for each week to guide your thinking.

For this Application Assignment, describe 10 key insights or major ideas from this course that you would most like to share with infant/toddler professionals to help them build culturally responsive relationships and environments. For each key insight or major idea, include the following:

• Explain why it is significant to a professional's work with infants/toddlers and families and may help build culturally responsive relationships and environments.

• Provide one or more specific examples from the Learning Resources and assignments to illustrate how the key insight or major idea could be put into practice in an infant/toddler program. Be sure to cite your sources.

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Dissertation: Eplain why it is significant to a professionals work with
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