
Eplain how to obtain the weighted least squares wls

Consider the linear regression model

Yt = β0 + β1X1t + β2X2t + ut   t =1,2,...,n,

where Xit and X2t are non-stochastic stochastic explanatory variables and ut is a random disturbance such that E(ut) = 0 for all t.

(a)  Suppose that E(utus) = 0 for all t ≠ s and E(ut2) = σ2 exp(X1t + X2t), where σ2 is an unknown positive constant. What are the statistical properties of the OLS estimator of β = ( β0, β1, β2)' in this model? Explain how to obtain the weighted least squares (WLS) estimate of p. What are the statistical properties of WLS estimates?

(b)  Suppose that ut = Φut-4 + εt, where Φ is a known parameter and εt are random variables such that E(εt) = 0, E(εt2) = σε2 > 0, and E(εtεs) = 0 for all t ≠ s. Explain how to obtain an efficient estimate of β.

(c)  Suppose that the ut's are homoskedastic and serially uncorrelated, and that X1t and X2t are stochastic with E(X1tut) = 0 for all t and E(X2tut)≠ 0. Assuming that three valid instruments (W1t, W2t, W3t) are available, explain how to obtain the instrumental-variables (IV) estimate of β. Would you recommend the use of OLS or IV in this case?

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Econometrics: Eplain how to obtain the weighted least squares wls
Reference No:- TGS0915943

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