
Eplain how to find employment after college graduation

Essay: write a well-developed descriptive essay on one of the following topics:

- Your personal experience of racism
- An event that changed your worldview
- Your first day at primary school/in junior high/on your first job
- Your first rock concert/opera/play
- An interesting person who influenced your worldview
- A visit to a theme park, such as Disneyland

Your first date

Essay #2: 2-3 pages write a well-developed process analysis essay on one of the following topics:
 Describe and analyze steps toward increased self-esteem.
 Explain how to find employment after college graduation.
 Explain how to select and care for adopted shelter pets.
 Explain how to write a résumé or college application essay.
 Explain how to prepare a favorite dish.

Essay #3: 2-3 pages write a well-developed comparison-contrast essay on one of the following topics:
 Research and compare two online games.
 Compare/contrast two computer programs.
 Determine the best deal between two different computers.
 Compare/contrast two business tactics.
 Compare/contrast shopping online with traditional shopping.
 Compare/contrast two music groups or two teams.

Essay #3: 2-3 pages write a well-developed argument essay on one of the following topics:
 Do corporations have a social responsibility beyond just obeying the law?
 Privatization of government services
 Minimum wage
 National Healthcare
 Workplace electronic surveillance and privacy issues
 Distance education or traditional education
 Internet privacy
 PC or Mac
 Should there be an Internet sales tax?

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Term Paper: Eplain how to find employment after college graduation
Reference No:- TGS02301872

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