
Episode of the economics detective podcast


Expanding trade in the early modern period had important effects on the development of the European economy. Please listen to the following episode of the Economics Detective podcast, where the host Garrett M. Petersen interviews Professor Nuno Palma about this subject (and others):


1) Listen the podcast above. (It's about 45 minutes).

2) Write a 2 to 3 page reaction paper to this interview that applies concepts, knowledge, economic theory, empirical evidence, and economic history. Your reaction paper must say something meaningful and interesting using economics. It must be more than a summary of the podcast. You may react to any of the subjects brought up in the interview (even others than trade).

A paper receiving full extra credit does the following:

- Makes an interesting, thoughtful point

- Applies economic and/or historical theory, evidence, reasoning to make point

- Uses examples from the podcast, refers to podcast to make point

- Shows the student put thought and effort into the reaction paper and podcast

- At least 2 pages in length, no more than 3 pages in length, typed, double spaced, one inch margins, 12 point professional font, uses paragraphs and complete sentences, proofread for spelling and grammatical errors, etc.

- Upload your submission to Carmen in an acceptable file format (or copy-paste your submission into the appropriate text box).

Late work will NOT be accepted. No exceptions. Submissions will be reviewed for plagiarism with TurnItIn.com. Please see the syllabus to familiarize yourself with academic misconduct policy at Ohio State.

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Microeconomics: Episode of the economics detective podcast
Reference No:- TGS02952269

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