
epididymis -all seminiferous tubules form short


  1. All seminiferous tubules form short straight tubules as tubuli recti, open into wider network of rete testis.
  2. From rete testis 15-20 fine convoluted tubules, the vasa efferentia are given out open in caput epididymes.
  3. The vasa efferentia is lined by pseudo stratified epithelium.
  4. Epididymis a part of embryonic kidney originated from wolffian duct.
  5. It is very coiled, 6m. long, commonly known as store house of sperms.
  6. Sperm can be seen for 10 Hr. to 10 days in it.
  7. In epididymis caput (globus minor) corpus (main body) and cauda (globus major) present.
  8. From cauda part vasa deferentia is originated where sperms are more active.

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Biology: epididymis -all seminiferous tubules form short
Reference No:- TGS0172492

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