Epidemiological Theory - Accident Causation
Epidemiological theory of accident causation considers industrial hygiene that concerns environmental issues and may result in sickness, disease and other forms of health impairment. Epidemiology is the study of the relationship among the environment and diseases. In work areas the environment is provided by peer, their way of working and motivation compel the workers to take risk of injury and ill health. Such types of characteristics as predisposition and situational might either avoid or cause accidents. Several instances are available which strengthen belief in this theory.
In one case where lifting of load was major job a worker did not do it with a jerk and was an obstruction. The peers encouraged and coaxed the worker in lifting the load along with an initial jerk. The worker responded to situational characteristic and soon was regarded useful. It lasted for about two months while the worker suffered slipped disc, suffered from intense pain and had to undergo surgery.