
Environmental safety management - determine if the current

Environmental Safety Management

Unit II Project

Overview of the Projects in each unit

In this course, you are asked to prepare a Comprehensive Report as the Final Project, which is made up of various scenarios throughout each unit. Each unit (i.e., units II through VIII) contains a scenario for you to solve and to provide recommendations. By the end of the course, you are asked to collect all of the individual responses from each scenario and to insert them into a Comprehensive Report as the Final Project.

The theme or setting for each project

You are employed by Be Safe Consulting, Inc. (BSCI), as an entry level safety consultant. You report directly to Bob Sanders, the supervising Certified Safety Professional (CSP). For the last two months you have been assigned to conduct a comprehensive safety evaluation for Acme Manufacturing Co. Based on the observations, calculations, and recommendations in Unit II through Unit VIII prepare a Comprehensive Report to Bob Sanders, who will, in turn, use this information to prepare a final report to Acme Manufacturing Co. Board of Directors. While the Board of Directors may be looking for detailed business impacts, Bob Sanders is looking for a detail of potential employee hazard exposures and your recommendation rationale (calculations, observations, and/or regulation).

Ventilation Report
You are employed by Be Safe Consulting, Inc. (BSCI) as an entry level safety consultant. You report directly to Bob Sanders, the supervising Certified Safety Professional (CSP). BSCI has been contracted by Acme Manufacturing Co. to conduct a study to determine employee exposures to various particulates and gases. In addition, your company has been contracted to determine if the current ventilation systems that are in place are adequate to protect employees from an over exposure to these chemicals. After conducting a field assessment, prepare a written report that Bob Sanders can utilize to prepare a final comprehensive report for the Board of Directors. During your field investigation, you find the attached field observations:

Welding Room
The company has six welding booths, or areas that are partitioned only for the use of welding curtains. The booth is open to mixing in the front and top. The company is worried about the welder's exposure to iron oxide (PEL 10 mg/m³). For a valid sample, you must have a minimum of six hours of sampling (The remaining two hours of the work day is considered to be equal to or less than the sampled exposure. As a result of your air sampling over an eight-hour time period (i.e., the work schedule), you receive the attached analytical report:

Based on this information, determine the employee's actual exposure to iron oxide, whether the samples were valid, and if not, why? Show your work either in the report or as an appendix.

During further evaluations of the welding booths, you determine that each booth utilizes a local exhaust system to remove the iron oxide and other contaminants prior to mixing with the breathing air. You take the attached measurements:

After taking the air samples for employee exposures to iron oxide, then measuring and calculating the performance of the local exhaust ventilation (paying particular attention to the specifics), what recommendations would you make to reduce the employee's overexposure, if any, to the ventilation systems?

Hazardous Materials Storage Area
As part of your assessment, you have been asked to evaluate and determine if the hazardous materials storage area has adequate ventilation. In addition to the federal requirements, Acme's insurance carrier requires that they have a minimum of 12 air changes per hour. In your evaluation, you collect the attached information:

Determine if the current hazardous materials storage area is adequate and meets the requirements of Acme's insurance carrier. What recommendations would you make to correct the discrepancies, if any?

Foundry Room
Acme has a foundry room, which is nearing the point of being outdated in terms of engineering controls. For example, one employee stands near an operation that has a canopy hood exhaust and routinely puts his face in the flow of the hood, causing him to inhale particulates and gases that are directly being drawn into the hood. Part of your evaluation is to make a recommendation for a new type of exhaust system. Which one would you recommend, and why?

Respond to the details in each section, and format your report in APA style. Include at least each of the attached in your report for this unit:

Introduction-briefly describe why the studies were performed (why you started the study).

Report details-briefly discuss the details of the scenario (what you found from the study).

Conclusions and recommendations-briefly describe your recommendations based on your findings (what you recommend to resolve any deficiencies).

Appendix-Measurements and calculations (show your work).

At least one page (double-spaced) in length (not including the reference page and appendices).

Prepare your report in a word-processing application (i.e., Word) using APA formatting for all references and in-text citations.

Unit III Project

Radiation Safety Report

The executives at Acme Manufacturing Co. were impressed by your first report, and they have asked you and BSCI to return for more work. BSCI has been contracted by Acme Manufacturing Co. to conduct a study to determine employee exposures to radiation. In addition, your company has been contracted to determine the effectiveness of engineering controls, including shielding. After conducting a field assessment, prepare a written report for Bob Sanders (CSP) to present to the Board of Directors. During your field investigation, you find the attached field observations:

Test Equipment and Repair Facility

The company has an on-site test equipment and repair facility. Much of the test equipment contains a radiation source. Normal practice inside the facility is to limit the time of exposure of employees working on this equipment as a method of control. However, the company is looking at the possibility of installing lead shields or increasing the distance from the source, thus increasing employee time working on equipment. Based on the attached information determine the employee's exposure:

Based on this information, determine the employee's actual exposure rate to the radiation source. Show your work (either in the report or as an appendix).

The second option under consideration is to install lead shields in order to reduce the employee's dose rate. Using the information provided in the table above, determine the intensity at the same distances listed above if a 5 cm lead shield was placed between the source and the detector. [µ for lead, (662 keV gamma ray) = 1.23 cm-¹]

Radar Testing Facility
As part of your assessment, you have been asked to evaluate the estimated power density levels for both near and far fields. When there is no gain listed in the problem, always defer to a gain of 10. You have conducted your assessment and measurements with the attached data:

Laser Laboratory
Acme Manufacturing is currently considering constructing a laser laboratory, which will contain Class III, IIIA, and IIIB lasers. Identify the safety control measures that the client must consider before proceeding to the design phase of the project.

Respond to the details in each section, and format your report in APA style. Include at least each of the attached in your report for this unit:
Introduction-briefly describe why the studies were performed (why you started the study).
Report details-briefly discuss the details of the scenario (what you found from the study).
Conclusions and recommendations-briefly describe your recommendations based on your findings (what you recommend to resolve any deficiencies).
Appendix-Measurements and calculations (show your work).
At least one page (double-spaced) in length (not including the reference page and appendices).
Prepare your report in a word-processing application (i.e., Word) using APA formatting for all references and in-text citations.

Unit IV Project
Hazardous Noises Report
After receiving good remarks from your previous work, you hear that Acme Manufacturing Co. has asked you and BSCI to return for some additional work. BSCI has been contracted by Acme Manufacturing Co. to conduct a study to determine employee exposures to noise. In addition, Acme Manufacturing Co. has requested that, while on site, you conduct a needs analysis to determine the development of a new safety training program, exhibiting training and management techniques. Explain your methodology and the steps in conducting this needs analysis. After conducting a field assessment, prepare a written report for Bob Sanders (CSP) to present to the Board of Directors. During your field investigation, you find the attached field observations:

Machine Shop #1
The company has an on-site maintenance and repair facility. Inside Machine Shop #1, there are five employees that operate a variety of machines, ranging from stationary and portable grinders, drill presses, and metal shearers. Based on the information provided in the attached table, determine the individual employee's exposure: (DO NOT COMBINE NOISE LEVELS)

Carpentry Shop #2
Inside Carpentry Shop #2, there are six machines operating almost continuously, including table saws, planers, exhaust systems, jointers, with 10 employees working in this area. To determine whether this table should be designated as a hazardous noise environment, thus requiring employees to be entered into the hearing conservation program, you must calculate combined exposures and treat the entire area as one noise source. The attached table indicates the recorded measurements that you collected during your on-site assessment. Does the data from this table indicate a hazardous noise environment, and do you recommend entering employees into a hearing conservation program?

Electronic Communication Repair Shop
Acme Manufacturing is currently considering remodeling this shop in order to install a new noise absorbing wall and floor insulation. They have asked that you review the previous history of noise level exposures in this area and provide your recommendations. However, this data is given in measurements of N/m², but the Project Engineer is requesting the information in W/m². Given the attached data, convert N/m² to W/m² and include it in your report:

Respond to the details in each section, and format your report in APA style. Include at least each of the attached in your report for this unit:

Introduction-briefly describe why the studies were performed (why you started the study).
Report details-briefly discuss the details of the scenario (what you found from the study).
Conclusions and recommendations-briefly describe your recommendations based on your findings (what you recommend to resolve any deficiencies).
Appendix-Measurements and calculations (show your work).
At least one page (double-spaced) in length (not including the reference page and appendices).
Prepare your report in a word-processing application (i.e., Word) using APA formatting for all references and in-text citations.

Unit V Project
Thermal Stressors Report
Bob Sanders (your supervisor) has another job for you. Acme Manufacturing Co. was impressed by your last report, and they have asked you to return to complete another job. BSCI has been contracted by Acme Manufacturing Co. to conduct a study at one of its facilities to determine employee exposures to various thermal stressors at different times. You are to conduct this study in January and July of 2012. After collecting and recording data from the field assessments, prepare a written report for Bob Sanders (CSP) to present to the Board of Directors. During your field investigations, you find the attached field observations:

Security Personnel
The security personnel, while contracted by Acme, are still employees that need to be monitored. There are three main entries that are staffed with security personnel. These entries have a booth, which is roughly 5'x5' with no heating or cooling. Each security officer works an eight hour shift, with two separate fifteen minute breaks (one during the first half of the shift, and the second during the second half of the shift) and one 30-minute meal break. The only opportunity to rehydrate is made during the break or meal periods. There are no drinking fountains or coolers in the security booths. Calculate the wind chill factor and wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) for each location.

Based on this information, determine which category each security location is exposed to and make a recommendation as to what changes, if any, you would make.

Respond to the details in each section, and format your report in APA style. Include at least each of the attached in your report for this unit:
Introduction-briefly describe why the studies were performed (why you started the study).
Report details-briefly discuss the details of the scenario (what you found from the study).
Conclusions and recommendations-briefly describe your recommendations based on your findings (what you recommend to resolve any deficiencies).
Appendix-Measurements and calculations (show your work).
At least one page (double-spaced) in length (not including the reference page and appendices).
Prepare your report in a word-processing application (i.e., Word) using APA formatting for all references and in-text citations.

Unit VI Project
Hydrostatics and Hydraulics Report
BSCI has another job for you at Acme Manufacturing Co., and Bob Sanders (your supervisor) has asked you to complete it. BSCI has been contracted by Acme Manufacturing Co. to collect measurements of various industrial storage facilities and certain aspects of its fire suppression system. After collecting field measurements and calculating values, prepare a written report for Bob Sanders (CSP) to present to the Board of Directors. During your field investigations, you find the attached field observations:
Piping System Repair

A piping system repair must be made to a vertical piping system. Prior to its turn to a horizontal direction, the pipe is 18 inches in diameter and 60 ft. long. There is a repair that must be done at 35 feet above the floor. The pipe is filled with a liquid having the same properties as water. Due to operational considerations, the pipe cannot be drained. The fluid is considered non-hazardous due to its chemical properties. Before the repair can be completed, a decision has to be made about the material to use and the method in which the repair can occur safely. At the location of the pipe repair, what is the pressure of the fluid? (NOTE: the height of the cylinder is the length of the pipe minus the height of the repair from the floor.)

Water Storage Tank
Some repairs have been made to the existing water storage tank. New valves and piping systems are to be installed in the distribution system. You have been asked to calculate the velocity of the fluid through the bottom drain opening and prior to entry into the distribution system. This velocity will help to determine the specific valve that must be installed prior to the distribution system. The tank at its highest point is 24 feet. Determine the velocity of the fluid at fluid heights of 24 feet, 18 feet, 12 feet, and 6 feet.

Fire Suppression System
In a horizontally installed piping system, water flows through a 10 inch pipe. The head loss in a 500 foot section is 40 feet. The residual pressure at Point A is 55 psi and the velocity at Point A is 7 ft./s. If the velocity at PoinRespond to the details in each section, and format your report in APA style. Include at least each of the attached in your report for this unit:
Introduction-briefly describe why the studies were performed (why you started the study).
Report details-briefly discuss the details of the scenario (what you found from the study).
Conclusions and recommendations-briefly describe your recommendations based on your findings (what you recommend to resolve any deficiencies).

Appendix-Measurements and calculations (show your work).
At least one page (double-spaced) in length (not including the reference page and appendices).
Prepare your report in a word-processing application (i.e., Word) using APA formatting for all references and in-text citations.t B is 8.5 ft/s, what is the residual pressure at Point B?

Unit VII Project
Fire Prevention and Protection Report
Acme Manufacturing Co. has another job for BSCI, and Bob Sanders (your supervisor) asks you to complete it. BSCI has been contracted by Acme Manufacturing Co. to conduct a fire protection and prevention inspection. During the inspection, you make several notes, which you use to prepare a written report. Later, Bob Sanders (CSP) intends to utilize your report as he presents the details to the Board of Directors. During your field investigations, you find the attached data:

Welding Shop
In the welding shop, you collect measurements of the floor space which measures 125 ft. x 80 ft. In the center of the room, near a column, you notice that there is one fire extinguisher, which is a 2A10B:C rated extinguisher. Determine if this is an adequate number of extinguishers for this area. Explain.
Molding Shop
In the molding shop, employees prepare resins to shape the molds used in creating one of the products manufactured by Acme. The area has a strong odor of acetone, which is used significantly in the preparation of the resin molds. In this area, you notice that there is a sprinkler system, and the sprinkler head is green. What is the maximum ceiling temperature for this area?
As mentioned, employees in this shop use a significant amount of acetone in the preparation process. Also while
conducting the inspection of this shop, you notice an overhead gas space heater with an open flame. What are the UEL/UFL and LEL/LFL of acetone? What actions would you take immediately in this area? Explain.
Respond to the details in each section, and format your report in APA style. Include at least each of the attached in your report for this unit:
Introduction-briefly describe why the studies were performed (why you started the study).
Report details-briefly discuss the details of the scenario (what you found from the study).
Conclusions and recommendations-briefly describe your recommendations based on your findings (what you
recommend to resolve any deficiencies).
Appendix-Measurements and calculations (show your work).
At least one page (double-spaced) in length (not including the reference page and appendices).
Prepare your report in a word-processing application (i.e., Word) using APA formatting for all references and in-text citations

Unit VIII Project

Ergonomics Report
Bob Sanders (your supervisor) has another job for you to complete for BSCI. This time, you have been asked to examine the ergonomic details at Acme Manufacturing Co. Specifically, Acme Manufacturing Co. has asked you to conduct an ergonomic evaluation of the packing line. Given the attached worksheet (see the link below to download the worksheet), calculate the (1) RWL and (2) the Lifting Index. Using the data and results, provide your written recommendations for corrective action against strenuous lifting tasks performed by employees to reduce risks and to prevent injuries.

Click here to download a copy of the job analysis worksheet included with data.Respond to the details in each section, and format your report in APA style. Include at least each of the attached in your report for this unit:

Introduction-briefly describe why the studies were performed (why you started the study).

Report details-briefly discuss the details of the scenario (what you found from the study).

Conclusions and recommendations-briefly describe your recommendations based on your findings (what you recommend to resolve any deficiencies).

Appendix-Measurements and calculations (show your work).

At least one page (double-spaced) in length (not including the reference page and appendices).

Prepare your report in a word-processing application (i.e., Word) using APA formatting for all references and in-text citations.

Unit VIII Final Project

Comprehensive Report

In this course, you are asked to prepare a Final Project (Comprehensive Report), which is made up of various scenarios throughout each unit. Each unit (i.e., units II through VIII) contains a scenario for you to solve and to provide recommendations. By the end of the course, you are asked to collect all of the individual responses from each scenario and to insert them into a Comprehensive Report.

The Final Project (Comprehensive Report) requires each of the attached:

I. Title page (APA format)

II. Executive Summary (summarize the entire report by briefly identifying the main points of each individual report)

III. Table of Contents

IV. Each of the individual reports (with any necessary corrections/improvements)

V. Each appendix from the individual reports (with any necessary corrections/improvements)
The purpose of this Project and its constituent reports is to provide you with an opportunity to gather data, calculate data, make recommendations, and prepare reports as an advanced safety professional. Once complete, keep your Comprehensive Report as a demonstration of your ability to perform as an advanced safety professional, as well as a representation of your attention to detail. Bosses like that kind of thing, and so do future employers.

Prepare your report in a word-processing application (i.e., Word) using APA formatting for all references and in-text citations.

*Note: Need the calculations to be done for the 8 projects.

Attachment:- Projects.rar

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