
Environmental or evolutionary

The rubric says:

Both Options require:

Use published human and animal research and behaviorist, social cognitive, information processing and constructivist theory to develop an outline of a research proposal to measure self-regulation in one of the following fields:

• Environmental or evolutionary psychology

• Forensic psychology

• Health or sports psychology

• Industrial/organizational or engineering psychology

Research proposals need to include

An explanation of Purpose - why do you want to study self-regulation in your chosen setting?
Define self-regulation whichever theory you choose to use

Hypothesis - what you expect to have happen: the result you expect

Athletes trained in self-regulation techniques using whichever theoretical techniques you choose will do better than athletes who do not.

Grade school children who are trained in self-regulation techniques using whichever theoretical techniques you choose will do better than children who do not.

Method including population and process - what are you going to do and with whom?

How many of whatever population will be trained in the self-regulation techniques using whichever theoretical techniques you choose.

That population will be compared to those who have not been trained in self-regulation techniques.

One school or classroom will be trained and compared to another equivalent school or classroom.

The rubric also says:

Option 2: Self-Regulation Outline

Prepare a 3- to 5-page annotated or expanded outline for review by members of a foundation grant screening committee.

Address the following in your outline:

• A description of how you are proposing to measure self-regulation

• The operational definitions, limitations, assumptions, hypotheses, and data analysis plans

• The deficiencies a critic might identify in your statement of limitations and assumptions

How you will measure self-regulation and your data analysis plan should be part of your Method.

A self-regulation self-report measure will be used with both groups. Performance of both groups will be assessed by coaches.

Children in both schools or classrooms will be evaluated on grades and in class performance by teachers unaware of which children have been trained and which have not.

Operational definitions go with your purpose; you need to define your theoretical terms

behaviorist, social cognitive, information processing or constructivist theory and self-regulation and the associated techniques - whatever you are applying needs to be defined, explained and described

You also need a statement of deficiencies a critic might identify in your statement of limitations and assumptions. Limitations and assumptions are about your research design

The sample size is too small to generalize the findings because....

The coaches knew which athletes had been trained because....

The schools or classrooms cannot be exactly equivalent because....

As will all assignment options: you need a cover page, introduction and conclusion, headings and all APA formatting correctly for citations and references, correct grammar and spelling. Please follow the rubric. Please ask if you have any questions.

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Other Subject: Environmental or evolutionary
Reference No:- TGS01072324

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