Problem 1: Differentiate between Environmental Obiectives and Environmental Perfor Criterion with example.
Problem 2: What should be the baseline when an organization fix its environmental objectives.
Problem 3: Indicate with justification whether the following indicators are Management Performance (MP°I) Indicators or Operational Performance Indicators (OPI):
Hours of preventive maintenance
Number of environmental incidents (#/year)
Noise measured at specific receptor (dB)
Hazardous waste generated per unit of product
Problem 4: There are several interested parties for a power plant. Which party is the most important with respect to EMS and why do you think so?
Problem 5: The base of EPE is "what gets measured gets managed". Explain it.
Problem 6: Explain how EMS can help an organization in "making it more efficient in resource utilization" and in "facilitating compliance with requirements."
Problem 7: Explain any two of the drivers for government to adopt EMS.
Problem 8: Explain how "Frequent changes in leadership and their goals" and "Concern over Flavor of the Month" work as roadblocks for government to adopt EMS.