Question 1) You are a CEO of a company which would like to establish an ISO-14001 Environmental Management System. Explain at least three specific requirements that a CEO has to fulfill as the "top management" to successfully establish ISO-14001.
Question 2) Explain (with examples) the role, responsibility and authority normally assigned to the Management Representative of ISO-14001 Environmental Management System.
Question 3) Explain the environmental impacts of the activities and services of an Architect.
Question 4) Write brief notes on:
i) Cradle to Cradle principle.
ii) Continual Improvement.
iii) PDCA Cycle.
iv) Greening the Supply Chain.
v) Eco Design.
vi) Amenity value.
Question 5) Write briefly:
a) What is biome? Write a note on any one of the following biomes w.r.t. climate, natural resources and biodiversity.
i) Freshwater.
ii) Desert.
iii) Tundra.
Question 6) What is landscape ecology? Write a detail note on structural and functional elements and changes in the landscape with ecological significance of each element.
Question 7) Write a detailed note on Key to Restoration.
Question 8) Write brief notes on:
i) Habitat.
ii) Habitat Specialist Species.
iii) River ecology.
iv) Classification of Plants.
v) Deciduous vegetation.