
Environmental economics project apply an economic tool such

Environmental Economics Project:

Purpose: to learn how to apply an economic tool such as cost benefit analysis or multi criteria analysis to examine an environmental issue.

Apply an economic tool such as cost-benefit analysis or multi-criteria analysis to examine an environmental issue. You are free to choose the tool and the issue you study, as long as your assignment retains a clear environmental focus. The purpose and learning goal of this assignment is to be able to apply an economic tool to examine an environmental issue.

Write a 6000 word paper reporting your results.

Use of material - You are expected to use relevant references and data. You are not expected to generate primary data - it is sufficient to analyze material that is publicly available.

Suggested report structure:

Intro (short): issue/topic/ relevance/ outline

Topic overview: what do we already know considering existing literature?

The tool/ approach and data: explain the rationale, basic principles of the tool you have chosen, steps, practices involved in application. Explain the data used and how you assess its quality. Also, add excuses here if needed.

Results: Report the findings obtained by applying the tool and using the data.

Discussion and Conclusions: think of the literature you started from, what did you learn, what insights did you generates? How do they compliments or corroborate earlier understanding?

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Macroeconomics: Environmental economics project apply an economic tool such
Reference No:- TGS02335188

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