
Environmental-agricultural microbiology

Question 1:

a) Describe the importance of aero microbiology in relation to the plant pathology.
b) Write a detailed account on the anaerobic treatment of the sewage.

Question 2:

a) Explain the decomposition of the soil organic matter.
b) What are biogeochemical cycles? Illustrate the role of microbes in nitrogen cycle.

Question 3:

a) Explain the various kinds of mycorrhizal and write the significance of VAM fungi.
b) What is biological nitrogen fixation? Write the biochemistry comprised in biological nitrogen fixation.

Question 4:

a) Explain different procedures for the development of disease resistant varieties.
b) Write various symptoms caused by plant pathogenic bacteria.

Question 5: Write short notes on the terms given below:

•    Aeroallergens.
•    Water - borne pathogens.
•    Soil microflora.
•    Iron in soil.
•    Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria.
•    Azospirillum.
•    Etiology of blast of rice
•    Importance of seed treatment.

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Biology: Environmental-agricultural microbiology
Reference No:- TGS05395

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