
Entrepreneurship productive unproductive and destructive

Entrepreneurship: productive, unproductive, and destructive


• This is a writing assignment and involves the reading and review of an article related to our course learning outcomes;The review is a 3-page paper, and details follow.

• Almost all research articles start with a short summary; followed by a description of the problem or issue being researched; followed by a description of the methodology and research itself (e.g., a mail survey or interviews); and end with conclusions to be drawn from the research. Sometimes the conclusion is labeled as such; in other cases, the author will write the conclusion as the final page of so of the article. Read both summary and conclusion first. This will give you a good sense of what you will be reading. This is not a novel. Reading a summary and the conclusion will not spoil the plot.

• Your 3-page review will be in two parts. Separate these with headers - labeled "Summary" and "Analysis." The first half should be a summary of the article. It should address these questions: what problem is the author addressing? What is his/her methodology for addressing the problem? And what are his/her conclusions?

• In the second half of the paper, you should present a brief analysis of the article. There are many, many ways to do this. One is to respond to this question: how does this article and its research relate to or fit into the broader field of entrepreneurship. For example, an article might describe an author's survey research into how entrepreneurship occurs. They may say it is a societal process, it is an individual pursuit, it is a collective activity, or it really depends on the weather. The author finds mixed results - in some cases entrepreneurship is an individual process or it depends on the weather; it has nothing to do with group processes, so don't try to teach it. Any or some combination of these issues and many others could be subjects for the second half of your review. Exactly what they are, of course, will depend on the article.

• I am not interested in how you "feel" about the article or your "opinion" of it (e.g., no - "In my opinion, this is a very good article"). I want reasoned thinking in your response to the question above that guides the 2nd half of your paper. No use of the first person, "I".

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Marketing Management: Entrepreneurship productive unproductive and destructive
Reference No:- TGS0977470

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