
Entrepreneurship 1a mre3781 discuss some of the key



Purpose of this Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to stimulate entrepreneurial thinking and the appreciation for self-employment in the Republic of Namibia. In addition students must be able to comprehend and understand what it takes to be an entrepreneur.


The concept of Entrepreneurship is derived from a French verb "entreprendre' and emerged in the 12th century, which means to take your hand and do something. A famous world renowned Economist Richard Cantillion introduced the concept to the academia in 1755. Entrepreneurship has also been viewed through different perspectives such as the sociological perspective. The worlds' first PhD's in entrepreneurship and small business appeared in the 1980s and the first annual conference to entrepreneurship research was held at the Babson School of Entrepreneurship in 1981. Initially Entrepreneurship was always taught as part of management, but could stand on its own from the early eighties.

Twenty Seven (27) years into democracy a lot of Namibian youth doubt themselves on a daily basis whether or not they can become entrepreneurs? Both in rural and urban towns the citizens have only one thought how can I get money in my hands and if Ramatex has not made it, how will I from an underprivileged background make it? The only answer is if you do not try, you will never know. Given

the diversity of this great country people can make great strides in the entrepreneurial arena. The crux of entrepreneurship lies in one's heart. If you have a vision and you feel very strongly about it in your heart, then go for it. No one will ever live out your dream for you, only you can make it a reality. It is critical that entrepreneurship should not be confused with tenderpreneurship or money collectors as they are called informally in Namibia. It is important that we as a nation also realise that tenderpreneurship is also supported in the literature and although a negative connotation is attached to it, we should always try to respect, love, appreciate, communicate and support each other. These are essential qualities that any entrepreneur must possess. As an entrepreneur you must be able to understand why the tenderpreneurs operate the way they do. Do not just say it, apply and practice it. If those who have made it in entrepreneurship practice it, maybe and a very big maybe; tenderpreneurs might opt to become entrepreneurs and help us advance our economy. Always try to look at life from the vantage point of the other person. Behind every physical person or business website or Facebook page, there is always someone with emotions, feelings and a great heart, which seeks to overcome their daily challenges in the best possible way they can.

Numerous companies have risen above doubt beyond imagination. These companies amongst many others are Dinapama Manufacturing and Supplies (in slang some use to call it that ka little factory - kamatjona). From a garage at the Oshakati service station in 2011, Dinapama is destined to become a major clothing manufacturer in Namibia and the Global stage. The Government of the Republic is Namibia is determined to support its citizens to grow the economy in any way possible.

The Minister of Higher Education Dr. Itah Kandjii Murangi launched a Student Entrepreneurs Programme (SEP) in Namibia last year. The primary purpose of this programme is to strengthen the link between institutions and the industry for the benefit of young entrepreneurs in Namibia. Unemployment is growing at an alarming rate in the Republic of Namibia and the number of high school dropouts seems not to be decreasing at any stage from now. The December 2017 Grade 12 school leaver's results reflected that less than 40% learners qualified for further studies. This is a worrisome figure, given the fact that Namibia has a population of less than 3 million. On a more positive note Dr. Itah Kandjii Murangi also encouraged young people to consider vocational training and artisan training, as this could also be a means through which Namibian youth can realize their full entrepreneurial potential. Last year might have been a tough year for economies worldwide and Namibia was not exempted, but there is more hope than despair amongst the citizens of Namibia.

Using the insert above and the evolution of the concept in the 12th Century, as to how it was initially defined, please answer the following questions in an assignment format to the best of your ability. You are required first to:

- Conduct Desk top and Field Research
- Identify a local entrepreneur/tenderpreneur/role model or a prominent business figure in your local community. This individual can be from your village, city or town. NB: This person can be in Tsandi, Aminus, Omagalanga, Tses or Onulaayee (Anywhere in Namibia).

1. Give a brief profile of the person you have identified and justify why you think he or she needs to be loved and respected as one of the greatest entrepreneurs in Namibia? (Hint: Do not leave out anything about this individual. For example upbringing (background information)

2. Briefly define entrepreneurship in your own words with concrete examples?

3. Distinguish between an entrepreneur, tenderpreneur and intrapreneur? Which one of these three would you like to become or are you and why?

4. Why do you think some people are more concerned with making money, rather than doing their job to the best of their ability? Is this a culture or not? And what can be done to encourage people to be more passionate and committed to their tasks at hand? (Hint: Your role model/entrepreneur is your sounding board).

5. Discuss some of the key challenges the entrepreneur, tenderpreneur or role model of your choice is faced with on a daily basis?

6. Hon. Dr. Itah Murangi was part of the SEP programme launched last year. Do you think programmes of this nature are valuable in fostering entrepreneurship in Namibia? Justify your answer?

7. Less than 40% of schools leavers qualified to enroll for further studies after the Grade 12 results were released this year. What are some of the critical measures the Namibian parents, community and government must take today to support those youth who did not get access to institutions of higher learning?

8. Currently the University of Namibia is requiring all students to pay 50% of their fees upfront before enrollment and numerous students are unable to settle their fees. As a UNAM Stakeholder and using insights from the entrepreneur of your choice, what are some measures senior students like yourself need to take in advance in ensuring that once the government is unable to support you financially (or when financial crises hits) need to consider to sustain yourself financially regardless of the tough times. In addition what should the role of institutions of higher learning in terms of grooming students who are able to create jobs for themselves and their peers?

9. Select any other three (3) member states of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and compare their level of self-employment amongst youth in comparison to the Republic of Namibia. Is it better or worse and what are some lessons we can learn from one another to build our region?

10. Take at least one (1) day and reflect on the knowledge that you have acquired by doing this assignment over the past few months and discuss some of the key leassons that you have learned from the entrepreneur or tenderpreneur of your choice. How do you intend to use this new acquired knowledge to educate, mentor/guide your community, university and Namibians at large in ensuring that this country becomes a better place; JUST because you were born?

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Management Theories: Entrepreneurship 1a mre3781 discuss some of the key
Reference No:- TGS02690963

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