
Enterprise resource planning

Answer the following:

(1) What are the customer and supplier roles in B2B, B2C, C2C, and B2G organizations? How do these roles differ in an e-business when compared to traditional retail business roles? How are pricing and marketing concepts different when dealing with C2C and C2B models compared to B2B and B2C models?
(2) Which of the following are core enterprise applications that exist within Business-to-Business (B2B) e-Markets? Please explain in at least 50 words.
 a. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

 b. Supply Chain Management (SCM)

 c. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

 d. Electronic procurement

 e. All of the above are core enterprise applications within B2B e-Markets

(3) How can a business be both a supplier and a customer? What is the difference between a B2B and a B2C business model within the same supplier and customer relationship? What are some specific differences that need to be considered when creating a B2G Web site?
4)  Explain the process that should be followed in building an e-commerce presence. (Min 75 words)
5) Identify and understand the major considerations involved in choosing Web server and e-commerce merchant server software. (Min 75 words)
6) Identify and explain the challenges faced by the different types of online retailers. (min 75 words)
7) Describe the major features of the online service sector. (min 75 words)
8) Identify current trends in the online career services industry. Give an example (min 75 words)

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Other Management: Enterprise resource planning
Reference No:- TGS01765105

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