Entering into a helping relationship with a reluctant client

Assignment task:

In your group take turns role-playing a scenario between a HELPER and a HELPEE who has an issue to discuss but is reluctant to do so. Other group members will be OBSERVERS and use the Instructions & Feedback form (attached below or provided in class) to record feedback.

The HELPER and the HELPEE will have a short (3-minute, set a timer) conversation about an issue or concern the HELPEE has. The HELPEE will be reluctant to share the information. The HELPER will attempt to build rapport that will allow the HELPEE to share their issue.

Initially, the HELPEE should not be forthcoming with their issue but should share more information as the HELPER establishes a safe and trusting helping interaction.

Time the conversation and announce when 3 minutes is up.

The OBSERVER(s) will watch the interaction and record the behaviors demonstrated by the helper. The group (HELPEE and OBSERVERS) will debrief with the HELPER, giving them feedback (e.g., what they did well, and areas for improvement).

Once all group members have had a chance to be the HELPER, individually answer the questions below using the feedback provided by your group on the Instructions


1. Reflect on your experience as the helper What did you find difficult or challenging about the process of initiating and entering into a helping relationship with a reluctant client?

2. Based on feedback from the group, identify and describe two things you did well in your role as a helper to develop rapport and relationship with the helpee.

3. Based on the feedback from your group, what is one thing that you can improve on related to relationship building and entering into the helping relationship?

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Reference No:- TGS03402844

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