Assignment task:
Policy Memo Assessment
Topic: Enhancing Mental Health Support for Student-Athletes
Direction: Provide a proposed policy problem. Make sure to scope and depth of the problem with data. Provide evidence and data to show that your topic is an important public problem. In some cases, one or more of the questions below may not apply to the issue or problem you have chosen. If this is the case, you must explain why or how a given question does not fit your situation; you should provide relevant graphs or data tables to report your findings in your memo. Please report the source of the data in the list of references. You need at least 5 references.
Questions to answer:
1. What is the policy problem or issue you have identified? Be specific as we have discussed in class, this problem or issue statement should be narrow enough that it could be addressed by one single policy solution.
2. Where will you focus your study of this issue or problem-name a specific jurisdiction
3. When did this problem or issue begin? How much has the problem or issue increased in the last 5 years, 10 years? (Track the rate of change for the smallest increment available, i.e. monthly, annually, etc.)
4. Who is affected by this problem? How many (or what percent of) individuals or households are currently affected? Is the entire city/state/nation affected, or is the problem more intense in certain areas or among certain groups?
5. Who is/are the public official(s) that have the most direct level of oversight or management of the problem or issue you have identified.
6. Why should we care about this problem or issue? What are the costs (not just financial costs-societal costs) or impacts of the problem for the city /region/state/nation?
7. How does the severity of the problem in this city/state/nation compare to other areas (regionally, nationally, internationally, etc.)?