
Enhancing lessons of experience as points of departure

Using Leadership: Enhancing the Lessons of Experience and The Future of Management as points of departure, this course has focused on understanding, evaluating, and applying concepts/practices that involve the following five elements:

? the individual leader
? followers
? the leadership context/situation
? leadership skills
? management

Using two (2) additional sources from the list that follows as research materials analyze and evaluate:

1. How each of the sources treats those five elements;
2. How each of the sources treats any connection or interaction between, or distinctions between, those five elements;
3. How your personal leadership experience or experience in working with leaders confirms or disconfirms the broad perspectives offered by the sources.

Remember that you should also refer back to the Hughes et al. and Hamel texts in your analysis. Be sure your paper has an introduction, explaining its purpose and main ideas, as well as a conclusion.

Caroselli, M. (2000). Leadership skills for managers. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Kotter, J. (1996). Leading change. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
Kouzes, J., & Posner, B. (2007, 4th ed.). The leadership challenge. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Rost, J. (1991). Leadership for the twenty-first century. New York: Praeger.
Stahl, J. (2007). Lessons on leadership: The 7 fundamental management skills for leaders at all levels. New York: Kaplan.
Zaleznik, A. (2008). Managers and leaders: Are they different? Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business Review (available through Amazon as a PDF file for $6.50).
Zenger, J. H. & Folkman, J. The extraordinary leader: Turning good managers into great leaders. New York: McGraw-Hill.

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Business Management: Enhancing lessons of experience as points of departure
Reference No:- TGS023889

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