
Enhancing company sustainability

What measures currently exist to enhance company sustainability and what are their limits?

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Please make reference to:

1) J.Lowry and A. Reisberg Pettet’s Company Law: Company Law & Corporate Finance (4th edition, Pearson, 2012)

2) Paul L. Davies and Sarah Worthington Gower and Davies Principles of Modern Company Law, 9th edition,(Sweet & Maxwell 2012) (an excellent text but very detailed).

3) Talbot, LE Progressive Corporate Governance for the 21st Century (Routledge 2012)

4) Talbot, LE Critical Company Law (Routledge-Cavendish 2008)

5) Ferran E, Principles of Corporate Finance Law (OUP, 2008)

6) Finch V, Corporate Insolvency Law Principles and Policy (2nd edn, CUP, 2009)

7) Marc Moore Corporate Governance in the Shadow of the State (Hart 2013)

8) Siems, Mathias, M. Convergence in Shareholder Law, 2007

9) Armour, J McCahery, J.A (eds) After Enron, Improving Corporate Law and Modernising

10) Securities Regulation in Europe and the US Oxford 2006

11) Villiers, C., Corporate Reporting and Company Law, Cambridge University Press (2006)

12) Aglietta, M. and Reberioux Corporate Governance Adrift: A Critique of Shareholder Value, Elgar (2005)

13) Clarke, T. (ed.), Corporate Governance: Critical Perspectives on Business and Management, Routledge (2005)

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