
Engr 112 write a scilab script named prob01sce that takes


For this homework you will be creating scripts in SciLab. You will turn in electronically, each of the scripts requested below. This is not a group project, so do your own work. Contact me if you have any questions.

1.) Write a Scilab script named Prob_01.sce, that takes no inputs and returns the vectors below.

• Use the colon operator to create a vector starting with -9 and ending with 52 in increments of 0.5.

• Use the linspace function to create a vector of length 12 that is linear spaced from 15 to 70.

2.) Write a Scilab script named Prob_02.sce, that will take in any size vector and return the following information:

• The sum of the values in the vector

• The smallest number in the vector and its location

• The largest number in the vector and its location

• The average of the vector

• The length of the vector

• The transposed version of the vector

• A 1x2 vector containing the first and last value of the vector

3.) Write a Scilab script named Prob_03.sce, that will take in any size matrix and return the following information:

• The sum of the values in the matrix

• The smallest number in the matrix and its location

• The largest number in the matrix and its location

• The average of the matrix

• The size of the matrix

• The transposed version of the matrix

• The inverse of the matrix

• A 1x2 vector containing the first and last value of the matrix

4. Write a SciLab script named Prob_04.sce, that takes no inputs and returns a 15x15 matrix of all zeros, with the major diagonal containing the values of 12 using the ones() and diag() functions.

5. Write a SciLab script named Prob_05.sce, that takes no inputs and returns a vector solving the following system of equations using matrix operations.

x + y - z = 6

2x - y + 2z = 3 3x + 2y + 5z = 35

6. Write a SciLab script Prob_06.sce, that will graph each of the following equations using the subplot command. Remember to name each plot, label the axis with

the correct units, and include the grid.

• Radius = 0 to 10 cm in 0.1 cm increments.

• Volume of a cube = Radius3

• Area of a Circle = m*Radius2

• Perimeter of a Circle =27c*Radius

• Volume of a Sphere = (4/3)m*Radius3

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Mechanical Engineering: Engr 112 write a scilab script named prob01sce that takes
Reference No:- TGS01730900

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